
Worrying can be helpful, but too much worrying is problematic.

Excessive worrying can have negative effects, from wasting your emotional energy to interfering with your daily life. Training yourself to stop excessive worrying – particularly about things that are beyond your control - will prevent you from experiencing anxiety and stress.

Here are some tips to help you deal with excessive worrying:

  • Only worry during a “worry period” - Set aside a portion of your day as a “worry period,” and only worry during that time. Postpone any worries pop up in your mind during rest of the day to the worry period.
  • Focus your worries on things you can resolve - Many of the things you worry about can be resolved if you give yourself time to think. Brainstorming solutions is a great way to push your worries aside.  
  • Take it one step at a time - Try to break down your concern into bite-size portions. Think of the smallest step you can take towards alleviating your worry.

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